Ideological Echo Chambers

With so many people sharing their political opinions before and after 2016 elections, it is important to remember that the information you see on Facebook and Twitter (as well as information in your search results on Google and Bing) is curated by algorithms. This is to say: social networks and search engines usually function as…

Sarah Ahmed reflects on institutional equity/diversity and leaving Goldsmiths

Sarah Ahmed provides reflection on leaving her post at Goldsmiths. Her comments about why good writing becomes detrimental to diversity/equity are especially intriguing.  The orientation towards writing good documents can block action, insofar as the document then gets taken up as evidence that we have ‘done it.’ … Equality is not a credential. Equality is…

The iPhone turns 8. 

It doesn’t seem like long ago that I was yearning to get my hands on an iPhone, which seemed was infinitely smarter than the Motorola I was using at the time. There have been many changes in the mobile phone industry over the past eight years and a few hurdles persist—battery technologies, for example—but I’m…

Laverne Cox Reflects on the “Transgender Tipping Point”

A few days ago, Laverne Cox made a great statement on tumblr about trans bodies in the media. Besides her talking about Caitlyn Jenner, Cox draws attention to something I’ve been discussing with friends after reading many comments about Jenner in the media and on Facebook (among other places). While I have no problem when people discuss their aesthetic experiences, only talking about…

Goodbye Mad Men.

I just finished the Mad Men series finale. I have mixed feelings about how it wrapped. I will miss continuing to watch how the lives of some characters develop; I will probably miss the spectacular sets, lighting, and cinematography the most.   My initial thoughts: I never would have imagined Don Draper taking up meditation.…