General Course Information

Media, Culture, and Society — Spring 2017 — MSCR 1220:01 CRN#32975
Class: TF 9:50am-11:30am (Shillman Hall 135)
Course Prerequisites: None
Course Attributes: NUpath Interpreting Culture, NUpath Societies/Institutions, NU Core Arts Lvl 1, UG Col of Arts, Media & Design

N.B. This syllabus functions very much like a living document and Blackboard/my website will reflect updates on assignments or changes to the timeline. The printed version of the course timeline provides a general plan for the course and deviations may be necessary. Thus, check the digital version regularly.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to the study of media to better understand how media impact culture and society. We will explore how our everyday engagements with media are influenced and structured by broader industrial, political, ideological, and social contexts. To accomplish this, we will explore how products are developed within media industries and how technological change impacts these developments, the influence of media on political processes and how regulation impacts media content and access, how people interpret and interact with media content, and how media influence cultural practices and continue to influence our daily lives.


Course Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Read and critically analyze research specific to media studies.
  • Understand and explain why culture and society are central to media analysis.
  • Define terms, concepts, and theories fundamental to the study of media.
  • Connect these terms, concepts, and theories to everyday engagements with media.
  • Identify various contexts that structure our engagements with media and influence how they are studied.

The skills gained in this course are necessary for more advanced studies of media and facilitate more critical engagement with our mediated world.

Required Texts

  • David Croteau & William Hoynes. Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences, fifth edition (Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications: 2014). Available at the University Bookstore and on
  • Additional readings available online.
  • Course screenings (held during class time unless otherwise noted).


N.B. This course will contain materials some students may find offensive (e.g. controversial readings and/or media clips with foul language, nudity, sexual scenes, etc.). Review the syllabus carefully to determine your commitment to the course and all required readings/screenings.

Printable Syllabus (original version without web updates)